Tuesday 18 September 2012

Miracles and other mumbo jumbo
Never did you stop to think how many things hide from us the "usual suspects"?
Especially how many diseases, natural disasters, "strange things", etc., are really "casual"? How many "miracles" are "miracles"?
As usual, I follow the rule of Einstein: Why? Always "why"... I can not help it, is another habit of the Galicians along with to answer a question with another question and speak with words of double meaning in which a sense is always of derision, contempt or insult.
I'm can not accept "is because it was always so" much less "because I say so". Why always was like that? I understand that this habit of mine can turn the person in front of me into a sadist killer…
“The important thing is not to stop questioning” – Albert Einstein
“There is not shame in not knowing, the shame lies in not finding out” – Russian Proverb
“Absence of proof is not proof of absence” – Carl Sagan
And following that rule, I always gear up to find the reason for everything that doesn't fit, everything that is strange, everything that has no explanation. As a fan of science, and therefore philosophy, I believe that everything is an effect and every effect has a cause, whether we know it or not; nothing can happen from nothing, everything has a cause or a "why". One of my favorite syllogisms is "If A is equal to B, and B equals C, then A is equal to C". While today this syllogism expressed as well as it is , is not valid given the advances in deductive philosophy and Sciences. The right end is "…then, if all possible circumstances and conditions are equal, A is equal to C". The translation into practice of this syllogism is that if in the past, something that had no explanation in the end was found an explanation, sooner or later everything that has no explanation today will have it  in the future (or not… but that does not mean that it has not one, as well said Carl Sagan…). But "miracles" don’t exist...
I have the tendency to investigate particularly the issue of us being used as guinea pigs without saying anything; as the UFOS are not extraterrestrial but terrestrial because they never told us what demons have been experimenting for centuries (the NAZIS in Peenemunde ALREADY had meteorological rockets work of Mr Von Braun; the infamous V1 and V2 were nothing more than the first missiles traffic experiment, also Von Braun’s work; even more scorn, Von Braun was the founder of NASA. NAZI he was, killed thousands of people, was part of the SS, bombed London day and night but he did not pass through Nuremberg, but they took him to the USA and founded NASA); the Russian "katiuskas" were nothing more than what today are multi launchers of rockets as they today use them all armies. And how many things already have they developed that they do not tell us? The time tunnel (it is being experimented in Australia for more than 50 years and don’t you tell me now that they have not developed it when they already did make a law that says "forbidden to interfere with historical facts of the past". They have not already interfered with? Mmmmmm… (*)); the ability of invisibility; space travel; humanoid robots; transformations of the human body (as to fit artificial gills for breathing underwater. Israel is already so advanced in this development that there is a special military unit with them); pests, plagues and epidemics (already did emerge that AIDS was an experiment that went out of hand, i.e.: experiments with  human Guinea Pigs); not aging; immortality already is fairly advanced the "thing"... and a long etc.
Today, given the speed with which the news spreads and the development of the Internet and popular science knowledge, they are saying things - gradually - which already they cannot hide anymore, but they still do not say since when "things" have been going on, although it doesn’t take to be a rocket engineer to realize that it is impossible that "that" did develop from one day to the next... So then, Since when?
[(*) – Jonah’s "whale" that "ate him and returned him alive and without distortion", the "chariot of fire" of Elijah, "rain of fire" of Sodom and Gomorrah and as she "became statue of salt" due to stop to look at what was happening, the "universal flood" (Universal?). How on Earth would you call a submarine or aircraft when they had no technical words in their vocabularies to call it and much less ability to assess anything of that kind  because lack of cultural and scientific knowledge, mental capacity…? Universal... What was for them the "universe"? No further than what was then "the known world" for each social, ethnic or tribal sub-group. Just think if you go back in time and tell someone from the time of the Inquisition that you come from the year 2012 and it takes flying hour and a half from London to Madrid... I do not believe that you were going to be even put in a bonfire, you will be stoned to dead on the spot...
It could be writing for centuries on the subject. I already have a good and fairly large file on these subjects. So I going to pass to you a few of the links I have classified by subject.
Note the dates of when the things did start to happen or to be developed. How was the normal man in the street in those years? What was the level of popular scientific knowledge? Therefore… Those things could not be made public without causing collective panic. Or collective rebellion...

Above Top Secret
Aurora hypersonic airplane
Area 51
Philadelphia Experiment
Roswell Incident
Aurora Incident
Psychic Warriors
Time travel
Robots links

 (The following ones I have not yet classified… no yet…)
(In the "crucifixion" of DalĂ­, Christ crucified in a Tesseract suspended in space - http:www.youtube.comwatch?vMjoKYTMwgoE. The concept was already known at the time and was the object of Surrealist painting, as well as the concept of hyperspace that Picasso tried to express to paint things and people as it is assumed that they would be seen by beings of a higher dimension; and Picasso came it to express quite well. Just a be a superior dimension sees us ahead and behind at the same time, at the top and down at the same time, and both sides of the body - then the two sides of the face - at the same time and that sought to express the paintings of Picasso)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChjyCR8V2Bg     (Note that in some sequences the word Taliban already existed as a keyword of a secret code. Curious isn't it??)

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