Tuesday 18 September 2012

Anarchism? What anarchism?

Mikhail Bakunin did a huge mistake: Calling his political idea “Anarchism”.

Immediately all brain dead lazy bas**rds that there are in the Planet Earth did stick to the etymology of the word and did join that “anarchism”. The nowadays self called anarchists do not even know who was Mikhail Bakunin and not a chance of that they know or had read his theory at all. They are just hooligans, useless lazy people, crooks, thieves… that destroy anything but do nothing to improve the citizen’s welfare, nothing to create an organised structure with a view to create a Bakunin’s government model.

Bakunin did insist that freedom is compatible with order and “discipline” (for Bakunin “discipline” was synonymous of “order”). He always did maintain that a society without order is inconceivable. In other part of the works says: “For freedom I do not mean free will”. So… “Anarchism…”????

Discipline and order doesn’t mean that someone has to be in charge of anything forever, but to have things well set and organised so the new incoming leader/chief knows what is going on as if he/she were there when was organised. Easier to say than to do… but not impossible if you follow the Bakunin idea.

(I have and read the 6 books with the whole of his works, so I am not inventing things).

Himself notice that something was wrong but he didn’t realised what, as on his complain in one of his Knuto-Germanic letters to Ogaref where he says “the problem is that is a lost case to get the workers to do anything, they do prefer to go to the tavern to drink and play cards”.

Well… Sorry Mr Bakunin, What did you expect? If you say “anarchism” means no organization of any kind, no organised logistics for action, no scheduled commitments, no rules… no anything.

But I like very much indeed his real political/social idea.

He should have called it: People’s hierarchy. Because is what it is… Is the best ever political/social idea that I heard so far and does work when properly interpreted and properly introduced.  ButIt requires a lot of commitment, hard working and organization and logistics well done.

In those years was a tendency to create a new political/social system, what most of the “miraculous leaders to be” did call “new political system”, “new era”, “new State”. So was the case of Hitler in Germany (NAZI, so Nazism) and José Antonio in Spain (Falange, so Falangism). Mussolini’s fascism was nothing new… He did try to reinstall the Roman Empire including its political system.

Valentín González González, aka “El Campesino” (The Peasant), was a Badajoz’s countryman, anarchist leader of the CNT that did organise the Madrid’s defence against the Franco’s fascist army and did work until the communists took over by force (the communism is the left wing fascism).

Federica Montseny i Mañé, Minister of Health and Social Assistance, Spanish Republic II, between 04.11.36 and 16.05.37, was a Lady anarchist from Madrid of Catalan origin (member of the FAI) and designed and build what today is the Spanish National Health Service (nowadays totally corrupted and useless) and did work. At that time was second to none in the whole Europe.

So the Bakunin’s system works…

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